There are various sizes which Baby Corn is packaged, we have detailed the various processes and export requirements below, baby corn is sent by Air Freight. Enter the packaging types that your specific market requires for baby corn and Click on the "Add To Enquiry" link. Once you have added all the products that you are interested in click on Enquire Now and complete the required information in order for us to assist you with your request.
See all the packaging options which we have access to for Baby Corn listed below. Please note that products are available during specific seasons as well as the current market demands. Pricing for our products work on an offer basis, in other words make us and offer and we will negotiate with our suppliers on your behalf.
Baby Corn Packaging and specifications
Class |
Class 2
Class 1 : Amber |
Class 1 : Green |
Appearance |
30% Bruised or broken tips,20% slight skin blemishes,discolouration |
Small amount of silk stillattached, uneven cut and cutedge, dehydration, under orover length |
Pale yellow firm cobs, free fromsilk, pest and disease, breakdown,browning tips, misshapen, damageand broken tips, soil and dirt,foreign taints, post harvestchemical and mould |
ShapeConicalstraightcobs,leading toa point andevenlymature |
Mishapen cobs30% broken tips |
Conical straight cobs, leading to apoint and evenly mature. |
TextureandFlavour |
Fresh and crunchy texture,typical baby corn flavour |
Fresh and crunchy texture,typical baby corn flavour |
Fresh and crunchy texture, typicalbaby corn flavour |
Baby Corn Availability
Classes |
Availablitiy |
Class 1 & 2 |
All year round |